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BSA 1.1.0

BSA3 runs from data on my scratch – this is intended to show how to modify BSA6 to run on a different experiment design. However, BSA3 does not run from package data (and isn’t intended to).

BSA6 is confimed to work from package data

significant changes

the analyzer function and all that it wraps has been updated to na.rm – the ramifications of this haven’t been well thought through, but they should be.

minor changes

picker2 was updated so that input is an already sample-filtered dataframe

new deps

futile.logger was added

BSA 1.0.0

The documentation at this point should be minimally helpful, and much of the template has been removed from the README. This serves as the first ‘official’ release, though there will be updates to at least the documentation shortly.

BSA 0.0.0


  • Added a file to track changes to the package.


  • Your main changes to a function foo() or parameter param.