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Processing Pipeline sample sheet

Currently, not all of these fields are actually used in the processing pipeline. But, it is part of a work in progress to standardize the metadata surrounding a BSA experiment such that analysis may be automated. In Daniel’s metadata, columns contain more than one piece of information – eg, Strain Alias has an erroneous P, then an integer describing the mouse, a period, an integer describing the replicate, and then a letter describing the tissue (currently called condition in the table described below). The fields are also not consistent – eg, the parsing that needs to happen for BSA2 is different than BSA6.

  • sample (a unique name)
  • group (this will be used to process bam files together in variant calling step. group 0 signifies that the file will only be processed individually. Any other number may be used to identify other groups, eg if there are 5 files, one file to be processed individually, and then groups of 2, group might look like 0,1,1,2,2. Note that all bam files are processed individually by default)
  • pool (pool from which the sample originates. not unique across pools, eg P1-P5 and Pall)
  • replicate (replicate of a given pool, eg 1,2,3)
  • day (number of days passed in time course before harvest)
  • cond (culture condition, eg inoculum, lung, brain, ypd)
  • experiment (unique identifier of the experiment, eg BSA6)
  • runNumber (from the sequencer, eg 4726)
  • fastq_1 paths to the fastq files
  • fastq_2 paths to the fastq files

After creating the samplesheet, or before, you need to move the data from lts into your scratch. The assumption is that you’ll make a directory to store the BSA pipeline output, and in that directory, you’ll make a subdirectory called data. If you do this, then you should launch the pipeline from within the experiment directory (at the same level as the data directory) so that the relative path from data to the fastq file will be correct.


bsa2_df = read_excel(system.file("DanielSeqDatabase.xlsx", package = "BSA")) %>%
  filter(str_detect(Description,'BSA2')) %>%
  mutate(pool = str_remove(str_extract(`Strain Alias`, "P\\d"), "P"),
         replicate = str_remove(str_remove(`Strain Alias`, "P\\d\\."), "\\w$"),
         day = 'na',
         cond = str_extract(`Strain Alias`, "\\w$"),
         experiment = str_remove_all(str_replace(Experiment, "-", "_"), " ")) %>%
  dplyr::rename(runNumber = `Run number`) %>%
  mutate(fastq_1 = file.path(FileFolder,FirstPairFileName)) %>%
  dplyr::rename(sample = `Strain Alias`) %>%
  mutate(fastq_2 = str_replace(fastq_1, "_R1_", "_R2_")) %>%
  mutate(fastq_1 = file.path("data",basename(fastq_1)),
         fastq_2 = file.path("data",basename(fastq_2))) %>%
  # set the group back to 1 -- process all together
  mutate(group = 1) %>%
  dplyr::select(sample,group, pool, cond, day, replicate, experiment, 
                runNumber, fastq_1, fastq_2)

reference_strain_df = tibble(
  sample = c("KN99a", "TDY1993"),
  group  = c(1,1),
  pool   = c(1,1),
  cond   = c(1,1),
  day    = c(1,1),
  replicate = c(1,1),
  experiment =  c(1,1),
  runNumber = c(2553, 3153),
  fastq_1 = c('data/2553_Brent_KN99aaa_GTAC13_GAGGCGTATC_S13_R1_001.fastq.gz',
  fastq_2 = c('data/2553_Brent_KN99aaa_GTAC13_GAGGCGTATC_S13_R2_001.fastq.gz',

df = rbind(bsa2_df, reference_strain_df)

# write out csv
# write_csv(df, "/path/to/someplace/bsa2_samplesheet.csv")


relevel_cond = function(cond){
  switch (cond,
  L = "lung",
  Y = "ypd",
  B = "brain",
  I = "inoculum"

df = readRDS(system.file("bsa6_raw_meta.rds", package = "BSA")) %>%
  mutate(pool = ifelse(str_detect(`Strain Alias`, "all"), 
                       str_remove(str_extract(`Strain Alias`, "^P\\d"), "^P"))) %>%
  mutate(tmp = str_remove(`Strain Alias`, paste0("P", pool))) %>%
  mutate(cond = ifelse(substr(tmp,1,1) == "1", NA, substr(tmp,1,1))) %>%
  mutate(day = ifelse(, 15, 8)) %>%
  mutate(tmp = str_remove(tmp, as.character(day))) %>%
  mutate(cond = ifelse(, substr(tmp,1,1), cond)) %>%
  mutate(day = ifelse(day == 8 & cond == "Y", 1, day)) %>%
  mutate(day = ifelse(day == 8 & cond == "I", 0, day)) %>%
  mutate(tmp = str_remove(tmp,cond)) %>%
  dplyr::rename(replicate = tmp) %>%
  mutate(replicate = ifelse(replicate == "", 1,replicate)) %>%
  dplyr::rename(runNumber = `Run number`) %>%
  mutate(Experiment = str_remove_all(str_replace(Experiment, "-", "_"), " ")) %>%
  dplyr::rename(experiment = Experiment) %>%
  mutate(fastq_1 = file.path(FileFolder,FirstPairFileName)) %>%
  dplyr::rename(sample = `Strain Alias`) %>%
  mutate(group = ifelse(str_detect(sample, "all"), "oneMouse", "sepMouse")) %>%
  mutate(fastq_2 = str_replace(fastq_1, "_R1_", "_R2_")) %>%
  mutate(cond = unlist(map(cond, relevel_cond))) %>%
  dplyr::select(sample,group, pool, cond, day, replicate, experiment, 
                runNumber, fastq_1, fastq_2) %>%
  mutate(fastq_1 = file.path("data",basename(fastq_1)),
         fastq_2 = file.path("data",basename(fastq_2))) %>%
  # set the group back to 1 -- process all together
  mutate(group = 1)

reference_strain_df = tibble(
  sample = c("KN99a", "TDY1993"),
  group  = c(1,1),
  pool   = c(1,1),
  cond   = c(1,1),
  day    = c(1,1),
  replicate = c(1,1),
  experiment =  c(1,1),
  runNumber = c(2553, 3153),
  fastq_1 = c('data/2553_Brent_KN99aaa_GTAC13_GAGGCGTATC_S13_R1_001.fastq.gz',
  fastq_2 = c('data/2553_Brent_KN99aaa_GTAC13_GAGGCGTATC_S13_R2_001.fastq.gz',

df = rbind(df, reference_strain_df)

#write_csv(df, "/mnt/scratch/variant_calling_pipeline/bsa6_samplesheet.csv")
#write_tsv(df, "/mnt/scratch/variant_calling_pipeline/bsa6_samplesheet.tsv")