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Yeast Rank Response Configuration

The yeast_rank_response tool requires a json configuration file as input. The configuration file specifies the location of the input files and various other settings.

Below, you will find first an example and next a table defining each key. In the definitions table, if a key/value pair is not marked as [REQUIRED], then there is a default which is set in the tool. [REQUIRED] key/value pairs must be present.


  "binding_data_path": "path/to/binding/data",
  "binding_source": "eg, 'chipexo_1234' or cc_1234'",
  "binding_identifier_col": "identifier_column_name",
  "binding_effect_col": "effect_column_name_or_none",
  "binding_pvalue_col": "pvalue_column_name_or_none",
  "rank_by_effect": false,
  "expression_data_path": "path/to/expression/data",
  "binding_source": "eg, 'mcisaac_1234' or kemmeren_1234'",
  "expression_identifier_col": "identifier_column_name",
  "expression_effect_col": "effect_column_name_or_none",
  "expression_effect_thres": 0.0,
  "expression_pvalue_col": "pvalue_column_name_or_none",
  "expression_pvalue_thres": 0.05,
  "rank_bin_size": 5,
  "normalize": false,
  "output_file": "rank_response.csv",
  "compress": false


Key Description
binding_data_path [REQUIRED] Path to the binding data file. The binding_effect_col, binding_pval_col, and ‘gene_id’ are required.
binding_source [REQUIRED] A description of where the binding data comes from. This might just be the data source, eg ‘chipexo’, or it might be a identifier, eg callingcards_17 or cc_17
binding_identifier_col [REQUIRED] Name of the feature identifier column in the binding data.
binding_effect_col [REQUIRED] Name of the effect column in the binding data. Set to none if an effect column does not exist.
binding_pvalue_col [REQUIRED] Name of the pvalue column in the binding data. Set to none if a pvalue column does not exist.
rank_by_effect true or false. Defaults to false if not provided. Set to true to rank by the binding effect column.
expression_data_path [REQUIRED] Path to the expression data file.
expression_source [REQUIRED] A description of where the expressin data comes from. This might just be the data source, eg ‘mcisaac’, or it might be a identifier, eg mcisaac_17
expression_identifier_col [REQUIRED] Name of the feature identifier column in the expression data.
expression_effect_col [REQUIRED] Name of the effect column in the gene expression data. Set to none if an effect column does not exist.
expression_effect_thres [REQUIRED] Threshold for effect expression. Set to none if an effect column does not exist
expression_pvalue_col [REQUIRED] Name of the pvalue column in the gene expression data. Set to none if a pvalue column does not exist.
expression_pvalue_thres [REQUIRED] Threshold for pvalue of effect expression. Set to none if a pvalue column does not exist
rank_bin_size Defaults to 5 if not provided. Bin size for rank response.
normalize This is not currently implemented – it is a placeholder for future development when list input of binding/effect data is supported. true or false.
output_file Path to the output file. Defaults to rank_response.csv.
compress Set this flag to gzip the output file. Defaults to false